Sunday, August 4, 2024

Wake Up at Home


When our children were young, we enjoyed the relaxation of going over to some friends’ house and playing Rook well into the night.  After wearing themselves out playing, our kids would fall onto a couch or a chair sound asleep.  After the last card game and our final goodbyes were said, I would scoop up the little ones, and carry each of them to the big back seat of our old ’71 Ford sedan (no seatbelts back then).  Then when we got home, I would gently carry them into the house and tuck them safely into their own beds.  In the morning, they would wake up at home with no idea how they got there.  They went to sleep in one place and woke up the next morning at home.  And someday, our tired old bodies will fall asleep in death, and we will wake up in our heavenly home.  Our heavenly Father will safely carry us from earth to heaven without any help from us.  We will wake up at home in our eternal abode.  Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”  Hey, if you aren’t sure about your relationship with your heavenly father, please message me and we can talk.  I can show you several promises from God’s Word, the Bible.  You can trust what God says.  After all, He loves you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus, to pay for your ticket to heaven.  Don’t hesitate; contact me right now.

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