Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sudoku Lessons


I have a sudoku puzzle book in the bathroom that I like to work on … well … when I’m busy in the bathroom.  I’ll not go into any details.  But I have found that so many life lessons are tied up in how I work on that puzzle book.  Often, I find that I have made a mistake because I have two of the same numbers in the same area.  So, I flip to the solution page in the back of the book to see where my mistake was made.  Then I go back and correct my mistake so that I can move on and finish the puzzle.  And I have developed a little system to help me keep track of possible solutions.  I reason, “If I can figure out what the solution isn’t, I can deduce what the solution is.”  But often, I have made so many mistakes that I just scribble all over the puzzle in frustration, tear out the page, and start on a new puzzle.  After all, it’s just a game.  Hey, have you figured out the life lessons that I alluded to?  If you haven’t, I don’t think that I can help you.  Do this: copy my post, paste it into MS Word, print it out, and take it to your pastor for advice.  He may use it in next week’s sermon.  Or better yet, get out your Bible and read a chapter in Proverbs or the Gospel of St. John.  Then do it every day for a month and things will start to come together.  Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

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