Thursday, August 22, 2024



Two weeks ago, going into church, I was buzzed by a wasp.  I waived him off with my hand, and quickly ducked into the door to escape a sting.  And at the end of the service, I was on the lookout when I came outside.  And as I looked, I saw a wasp nest in the corner of the church front porch!  Not a good way to greet visitors!  I have a can of wasp spray that will spray almost twenty feet, but the nest was near an outlet and a security camera, neither of which should be sprayed with a volatile liquid.  So, a few days later, I went to church at night (When the wasps couldn’t target me as easily) and using a long stick, I knocked down the nest.  I made a quick retreat as the wasps fanned out in the dark searching for their tormentor.  The next church service, I noticed that the wasps were gone.  Hey, in the Old Testament, the Lord used Hornets to drive out the enemies of His chosen people!  Exodus 23:28, “And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.”  What a novel military tactic!  I’m glad that God didn’t use hornets to drive us out of our church!  At least the wasps are gone.

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