Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Eerie Light

I was about ten years old when I woke up one night.  I saw an eerie light in the distance, and I was terrified.  I immediately covered up my head with the blankets.  Now, for a ten-year-old, that may be a common reaction, but really, what protection does a blanket afford?  So, I couldn’t sleep, and I finally mustered the courage to peek out from in under the blanket.  That eerie light was still there!  I quickly retreated back under the covers.  The next morning, I told my parents, and they seemed genuinely concerned.  We lived at the end of a long lane with nothing behind our trailer but woods, so any light was unusual.  My dad told me to call him if I saw it again.  So, the next night when I woke up and saw the glow in the distance, I called out to my dad.  My parent’s bedroom light came on and my dad came into the room where I was sleeping, but neither of us could see the light.  My mother turned off the bedroom light, but the three of us saw nothing.  My dad said it was nothing, but I was convinced that something was there.  My parents went back to bed, I settled in, and there it was, that eerie light in the distance!  So now I had the courage to investigate.  As I sat up in bed, the light disappeared.  I laid back down, and there it was!  I moved my head up and down and the light seemed to appear and then disappear.  I crawled out of bed keeping my eye at just the right level and crept towards the light.  Closer and closer until I banged into the cook stove.  My eye was inches from the tiny pilot light on the gas cooking stove!  What I had thought was a distant light was really the nearby glow of the tiny pilot light.  Hey, often in life we are terrified of the unknown.  We may think we have a real problem, but we forget that the dear Lord above has everything under His control. Psalm 118:8 says, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”  Don’t be afraid - no, not afraid of anything!  What may terrifying for us is nothing for God!  Hey, God loves you and He is in control of everything!  Absolutely everything!

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