Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Hole


Saturday I was painting the wall, so I moved our piano out just a bit.  As I squeezed behind it, I caught my tee shirt on a nail and tore a hole in it.  Bummer.  But I chuckled as I remembered the quote on the damaged tee shirt (see the picture).  I made up a story about being shot, and the hole was the evidence that my story was true (No matter that there was no hole in my belly).  When my children were young, I told them that my belly button was where the Indians had shot me with their arrow.  They believed me, but only for a moment.  They knew my dad jokes (or the lack thereof).  But, now with the hole in my tee shirt, the tee shirt is really beginning to fall apart … in more than one way.  Hey, if your world is falling apart, trust in Jesus.  He will be your solid Rock when the world is crumbling beneath your feet!  Hebrews 6:19, “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast …”  Hey, as your world (or tee shirt) begins to deteriorate, Jesus is the only one who is dependable.  And you can count on that!

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