Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Intersection


Saturday, I was leaving Lowe’s parking lot waiting to turn left onto Battlefield Parkway.  The parkway has two lanes on each side with a grass median in the middle.  The parkway traffic stopped as their lights turned red, and our cross-traffic lights turned green.  The car in front of me was also turning left, so we both pulled into the intersection and waited for the oncoming car, who had the right-of-way.  But the oncoming car was an elderly lady who came into the middle of the intersection and stopped.  Evidently, she was turning left, but she didn’t have her turn signal on.  So, she pulled into the intersection and waited for us, who were waiting for her!  And since all three of us were in the intersection, the traffic sensors (that we had just left) were cleared, and the lights changed.  Our three cars were now blocking the entire parkway!  Traffic all four ways at the intersection was stopped, all because one lady failed to use her turn signal!  How often do we fail to warn people of our intentions?  Jesus spoke of a broad way and a narrow way in Matthew 7.  Do we warn folk on that broad road of the dangers that lie ahead?  Do we fail to signal to them of their impending peril?  Matthew 7:13&14, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

 P.S.  The rest of the story: I turned left from behind the man in front of me, and he followed my lead.  In my rear-view mirror, I saw the old lady turn left after us and make her way up the road in the opposite direction.

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