Saturday, September 28, 2024

Old Toyota


Wednesday night, we were late for church.  And the construction on I-24 didn’t help.  And to make matters worse, I had to stop by the drug store to pick up a prescription.  As I crossed the bridge and got onto the one-way street that leads to our church, I pulled in behind an older Toyota whose driver obviously wasn’t familiar with the construction area.  The three-lane road was narrowed to one and two lanes, so I slowed down so as not to tailgate the confused driver.  He was driving 10 mph under the speed limit pausing at every intersection, even though there wasn’t a traffic signal or stop sign.  After a mile of frustration, I resigned myself to being late and relaxed … just a bit.  I was relieved as our church came into view.  But my heart sank as the Toyota turned into our church parking lot.  I pulled in, hurriedly pushed my wife’s wheelchair into the auditorium, and selected a hymn for the opening song.  And as I sat down on the platform facing the audience, the driver of the Toyota came in and sat down on the right-hand side.  I recognized him!  He had been a member of our church thirty years ago!  I was so glad that I hadn’t blown by him on the highway or cut him off!  After church, I had to apologize to my wife, who had heard me grumbling at “the old grandpa” driving the Toyota.  I could have said with David in Psalm 139:23&24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”  The Lord reminded me Wednesday night to drive as if I would meet the other driver at church ... because I did!

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