Monday, December 28, 2020

Lifting a Printing Press


In 1990 we had a Mulitlith 1250 printing press at our church in a downstairs printing room.  We wanted to make the room into an office/workroom for the teachers, so the printing press had to go.  We needed to move it next door into a converted duplex that we were using for classrooms, so I decided to move the press one Saturday.  I had an idea of how I could move the 800-pound printing press by myself.  My idea was somewhere between the Incredible Hulk and the ancient Egyptians building the pyramids.  First, I got several 2X4’s and ¾” boards and cut them into two-foot blocks.  Then I used a pry bar to lift one end of the press ¾” high inserting a block underneath.  I went to the other side and lifted it ¾” high inserting another block.  Now the press was ¾” off the floor!  Then, using a third ¾” block as a fulcrum, I leveraged the press up another ¾”, slid out the ¾” block and slid in a 2X4 block.  I repeated the process on the first side, so I now had the press 1½” off the ground!  I continued my rounds until I had the press 6” high and slid a piano mover under the middle.  I used the pry bar to lower the blocks and had the press on the piano mover.  I rolled it out the back door, across the parking lot, and into the building next door.  When I got the press to where I wanted it, I reversed the process and set it on the floor.  Of course, I told no one how I did it; I just let them guess.  That is until now.  Hey, some things are physically heavy, and some things are emotionally heavy.  Have you ever had a weight on your mind?  Have you ever had a spiritual burden that was just too heavy for you to bear?  Hey, Jesus came to release you from your spiritual burdens.  Why not let Him carry your heavy load?  Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  The burden that we carry is heavy and the burden that Jesus exchanges is light by comparison.  Jesus is willing to trade His light burden for our heavy burden.  What a trade; what a deal!  Don’t struggle with a heavy load; give it to Jesus.  You’ll be glad that you did.

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