Sunday, October 15, 2023

Spectator or Participant?


Friday was day ten of cardiac rehab, and I am getting to know many of the people, and they me.  There are six people in my section who have had recent surgery who wear monitors.  Then there are thirty or so people who are on the other side who have progressed to self-exercising with supervising staff.  But one rather large-sized fellow just caught my attention.  He is friendly and talkative, but obviously needs exercise (I’m just sayin’).  I saw him joking with two men who were on the stair-stepper machines.  A few minutes later I saw him talking between two ladies on treadmills.  Then he was talking to the girl at the desk.  But in ten days, I have never once seen him exercising!  He carries around a blue folder indicating he is in the morning class, but he never actually does anything except talk and drink coffee!  Why bother to attend rehab class if you aren’t going to do any rehab work?!  This man reminds me of some Christians.  They go to church, sing a little and give a dollar or two, but they never really get involved in the real work of the church.  They never invite anyone to come with them to church, they never hand out any tracts, and they never participate in workdays at church.  Like my friend at rehab, they are a spectator only, not a participant.  So, what about you? Are involved in the work or just pretending to be working?  James 1:22, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  Hey, don’t lie to yourself.  Get involved.  Get busy serving the Lord.  Don’t be a spectator; be a participant.

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