Monday, December 22, 2014

Luke 1:37

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. Today we will look at two impossibilities that actually happened. The old priest, Zacharias, and his old wife, Elisabeth had prayed for a child for years, but they couldn’t have children. But when Zacharias was in the Temple performing his duty as a priest, the angel Gabriel suddenly appeared to him and told him he would have a special son. His son would be a fiery evangelist announcing the coming of the Messiah – the holy One Who would redeem their nation, Israel. Zacharias just couldn’t believe the news. So to convince him, the angel took away his voice until his son, John was born. After John’s dedication, Zacharias miraculously got his voice back and began praising God. Everyone was amazed! But before Elisabeth had her miracle baby, her cousin Mary, came for a visit. Mary told Elisabeth that she pregnant as well and had just married Joseph. Mary’s new baby was another miracle baby. The angel who had visited Zacharias had visited Mary too and had told her that she would give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Mary was His mother, but God was His Father. Joseph was only his step-father. These two cousins excitedly hugged each other as they talked about their amazing babies! They were living in wonderful times! God was working miracles to perform His will. And God is still working today! How wonderful it is to be a part of God’s plan for the ages! How wonderful to think of the miracles of Christmas!

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