Thursday, August 6, 2020

Rules Follower

Are you a rule-follower?  I am.  I get right in line at McDonald’s.  I dutifully wear my mask at Costco.  Half of the world follows the rules while the other half thinks that the rules don’t apply to them.  They think that rules are just suggestions - guidelines to follow - if you can.  So, in Ringgold, at the intersection of Boynton Drive and Hoover Road, Hoover comes in at an angle.  So, the big white line to stop at on Hoover is set way back so that cars turning left off Boynton onto Hoover can make the sharp left turn.  But the non-rules-followers always pull out a full car-length PAST the big white line and stick their noses out making it hard for people (like me) to negotiate the sharp left turn.  I go that way every day, and I am always frustrated with the non-rules-followers.  However, today, I was coming back from the lumber yard and for the first time, I was on Hoover Rd.  But when I pulled up to the big white line, bushes blocked my view of traffic on Boynton.  So I had to nose out a full car-length in order to see to the right around the bushes.  Then a truck came around making a left turn onto Hoover (like I always do) with the driver scowling at ME sticking out past the big white line.  Now I know why the drivers nose out on Hoover.  Many are just like me - rules followers - WHO JUST CAN’T SEE PAST THE BUSHES.  Hey, we need to have compassion for other people.  We need not to judge UNLESS we have been in their situation.  Solomon said in Proverbs 21:2, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.”  We all think that we are right.  But we should try have God’s compassion and see things through the eyes of other people.  Before we criticize someone today, let’s look at the situation from THEIR perspective.  And then have God’s compassion.

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