Friday, April 15, 2022

Wisdom from a Sparrow

We had a busy day yesterday.  It started early and finished late.  And because I got to bed late, I woke up this morning still sleepy and tired.  My wife and I got ready for dialysis with eyes half-opened, moving about the house like zombies.  I carried her bag outside and got my keys out to start the car when I heard it.  A sparrow was up in a tree nearby just singing as loud as it could.  And it made me mad!  What did that bird have to sing about?!  Didn’t it know how tired I was?!  Why wasn’t it sleeping?!  But then the dear Holy Spirit calmed my heart and gently reprimanded me.  That little bird was happy and singing to its Maker.  It hadn’t a care in the world!  It had no idea what day it was, nor did it care.  It had no job to go to.  It had no plans for the day. It wasn’t thinking about what it was going to eat.  It was just singing … and singing to its Maker.  Jesus Himself said in Matthew 6:26, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”  That sparrow wasn’t worried about anything.  It was just trusting in the dear Lord to provide everything that it needed.  It was trusting and singing.  It could be that little bird was smarter than me!

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