Monday, October 3, 2022


My newest credit card from Visa is loaded with technology, but it is also loaded with credit card history.  I get my gas at Costco, but because the line is so long, I must move as fast as I can when I get up to the pump.  The tap-and-go feature helps me move faster.  I just hold the card to the device and my information is captured.  Just slightly older is the chip function.  I insert the end of the card into the reader and the chip registers my information.  Still older yet, is the magnetic stripe on the back of the card.  But did you know that there is another old-school way to use the credit card?  The card has my name, number, and expiration date in raised letters so that it can be physically imprinted.  I used this method when I worked at Kayo gas in 1967!  It uses a two-part receipt paper with carbon paper in the middle.  You inserted the credit card in the machine, put the paper receipt on top, and rolled the impresser over the card to leave the information physically recorded on the duplicate receipt papers.  If the image wasn’t legible, no sale could be recorded.  My, what changes over the years!  Hey, just like credit cards, there have been improvements in sharing the Gospel with people over the centuries.  Paul walked everywhere that he went and preached the Gospel.  He recorded the Scriptures with ink, quill, and parchment.  Then printing presses were invented which made Bibles available to the masses.  Radio preachers, then TV preachers, and today, Facebook live and Zoom span the globe!  Hey, the method of delivery may improve, but the message is still the same: Jesus loves you and died for your sins.  What wonderful good news!  Hey, have you shared that good news with someone today?  Use an old-school tract or the internet … but just do it!  Someone may be impacted for eternity!

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