Friday, July 28, 2023

Wha, Wha, Wha!


Charles Schultz, the writer of the Peanuts cartoon, was a devout Christian (Anderson Church of God).  But he never pushed his religion in his comic strips.  The Charlie Brown character was just a wholesome, good boy … although a chronic loser.  But have you ever noticed that in the Charlie Brown television specials, the adults always speak with a garbled voice?  The children’s characters seem to understand what the adults are saying, but we only hear Charlie Brown’s teacher saying “Wha, wha, wha”.  Hey, do you ever catch yourself daydreaming in church?  And when you wake up, you hear the pastor saying, “Wha, wha, wha”?  Why is it so easy to drift off during the message and so hard to concentrate on what the preacher is saying?!  Could it be that there is a spiritual battle going on there in church during the preaching service?  The Lord wants us to hear His Words delivered by His messenger, but Satan wants us to hear, “Wha, wha, wha”.  Paul said in I Corinthians 1:18, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”  So, next Sunday, when your mind drifts, and you hear, “Wha, wha, wha”, just remember that is what Satan is saying.  Then shake yourself, wake up, and hear the precious words that the dear Lord is saying to you though your pastor.  Hey, stay focused!  You’ll be glad that you did!

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