Monday, December 26, 2022



When the wise men arrived in Israel, there were three groups of folk who got it wrong.  I hope you aren’t in one of these groups.  First were the wise men themselves.  Didn’t they realize that the current king would be furious at the news of a newborn king?!  The wise men inadvertently caused the death of thousands of innocent baby boys as King Herod tried to eliminate a competing new king.  Then there was Herod, who lied to the wise men telling them that he wanted to join them in their worship of the newborn king.  Didn’t Herod realize that he had plenty of time before this baby king would grow up?!  Didn’t he realize that all of our days are numbered?  And then there were the chief priests and scribes that Herod tapped for information.  When Herod asked them, they knew where the Messiah would be born, and they knew that the wise men were there because He was born.  So, why didn’t these religious leaders go to Bethlehem with the wise men to worship Jesus?  Here was the Messiah that had been prophesied about for hundreds of years and they just snubbed Him!  What snobbery!  What pride!  So, the wise men were careless with important information, Herod was jealous, and the religious leaders were indifferent.  Do any of these traits describe you?  Ouch!  I hope not.  I hope you are like the wise men in Matthew 2:2 who said that we, “are come to worship him.”  Hey, don’t snub the Creator.  Don’t ignore the Savior.  Don’t neglect the Lord of glory.  Someday very soon, you will meet Him.  Will you be ready for that day?

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