Friday, December 30, 2022

Tape Residue


We have a little rental house at church, and I replaced a glass pane in a window a month ago.  I didn’t have any glazing points, but I thought that the glazing compound would hold just fine.  Well, it didn’t, and the glass sagged out.  The renters tried some sort of medical tape to hold the pane in place, but it didn’t work either.  The glass eventually fell out, and yesterday, I noticed that they had inserted a cardboard filler.  I investigated and found the glass on the ground with glazing compound and tape aplenty.  I brought it home and scrapped the glazing compound off.  I pulled the tape off and cleaned the glass with a paper towel and water.  I tried alcohol to remove the tape residue, but that didn’t work.  I tried paint thinner, but that didn’t work.  I tried acetone, which usually works with everything, but even acetone didn’t work.  It was then that I noticed that the tape residue was on the other side of the glass.  Silly me.  On the wrong side of the glass, nothing would have worked.  I turned the glass over and easily removed the tape residue.  Hey, sometimes in life, our work seems to no avail.  We get frustrated and can’t seem to get any traction.  Often it is good to step back and examine the situation before too much energy is wasted.  That’s what I should have done with my glass pane.  Hey, a new year starts this Sunday.  Why not try to make the best of it by taking a fresh look at your efforts?  Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  If you do things God’s way, the work is much easier.  After all, God knows what is best, and God knows what is around the next corner.  Why not let God order your steps.  Don’t be like me: don’t keep rubbing on the wrong side of the glass.  Let the dear Lord help you in 2023.  You’ll be glad that you did.

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