Sunday, December 24, 2023

Let Down


My dear wife loves, loves, loves Christmas.  She carefully chooses the gifts, plans the meals and parties, and has the house decorated just perfectly!  But she has such a let-down the day after Christmas.  All of the festive decorations go back into the attic, and family and friends go home.  Hey, the shepherds had exactly the same let-down.  The shepherds enjoyed the limelight of telling everyone in Bethlehem about the new-born King.  They were centerstage worshiping the Christ-child in the stable behind the inn.  But the next day, they had to go back to their smelly sheep on the lonesome hills.  I’m sure they were disappointed night after boring night as they hoped for another exciting encounter with angels.  But nothing ever happened.  Dr. Luke recorded in Luke 2:20, “And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.”  But as the shepherds returned to their mundane lives, they returned as changed men.  After their encounter with the Son of God, they were never the same again.  Hey, what about you?  Have you had a personal encounter with Jesus?  If you have, you will never be the same again.  But if you haven’t, today would be a good day to come to the Savior and bow down before Him.  And like the shepherds, you’ll be glad that you did.

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