Tuesday, July 5, 2022



I have a neighbor’s cat that stalks my bird feeders in the back yard.  He is pretty slick and avoids me.  It might have something to do with a BB gun, or it might not.  I plead the 5th amendment on that one.  At least I am trying to train Milo.  Milo hangs around under my back deck and waits for the doves, who are too big to perch on the bird feeders.  The doves glean leftover seed on the ground underneath the feeders that the little birds pick through.  Doves watch diligently for predators but have occasional lapses in care.  That’s when Milo strikes.  The doves usually get away, but I am amazed that the birds keep coming back.  They know that the cat might be there, but they just take their chances.  Solomon spoke about reckless birds in Proverbs 17&18, “Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives.”  Solomon likens careless birds to simpletons hanging around with dangerous friends.  They know better but just can’t resist the fun of sin.  Hey, we are all just like that!  We know that sin costs us more than we want to pay, takes us further than we want to go, and keeps us longer than we want to stay, but we still dabble in sin.  The problem is we just can’t resist toying with sin.  Hey, the best plan is just to get as far away from sin as you can.  Trust me.  And trust Solomon, but mainly, trust God.  Stay as far away from sin as you can.

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